Sunday, April 26, 2009

Grappling and Choking?

How long would it take to get to the point of actually endangering someones life with choking, assuming they have a medium to powerful grip?

Grappling and Choking?
i would say anywhere from 8-10 secs especially after that are passed out, and to the retard below me. i dont know anything i guess. its just what i was told in the marine corps. go figure, what would they know about killing anyone.

A skilled judoka can sink a choke in 3 to 4 seconds, and 4 to 10 seconds for an average Joe, after which they are KTFO. To cause real damage, a choke has to be held for minutes after reaching unconsciousness.
Reply:Everyone is different, but people typically pass out between 2 and 7 seconds of a tight choke. Death can occur anywhere after that, and brain damage is likely even if death doesn't occur. "Most" people that are in a proper choke will die within around 20 seconds, I believe.
Reply:Well the choke blocks off blood supply that brings oxygen to the brain, and i remember being told in my first aid class that brain damage happons after a min+, but im not sure if when you make a choke if ALL of the blood supply is cut off or if there is still some blood flowing but not enough to keep you concious

Endangering someones life takes longer, usually a few minuets thats for sure but brain damage can happon sooner
Reply:Just a few things to consider.

If you're talking about a choke that most MA practice where bloodflow is cut off from the brain by pinching off the arteries, then 2-8 seconds is right before the danger of permant damage starts to occur. Obviously factor's such as one's health will all have an impact on how much danger there was to the one getting choke out.

Now if you manage to sink in a choke where you're compressing the windpipe (such as squeezing your forearm against their throat) the danger is immediate as your effectively cutting off oxygen from the entire body and suffocating them.
Reply:common sense would tell you that you can be dead for minutes before brain damage so to think you can be permanately hurt in seconds is rediculous. seconds to be out but minutes before damage.
Reply:the chokes we learn are all meant to endanger someones life and they work immediately 5 to 10 seconds gives the person a chance to get out
Reply:Some people are confusing chokes with strangles.

A choke will cause unconciousness in about 10 seconds, but will take a good few minutes longer to cause death.

A strangle will cause unconciousness in a bit longer, but will also trigger an adrenaline dump in the target so would cause a struggle, making it harder to sink. The body would have to be starved of air / oxygen for about 2 - 3 minutes before death from a strangle.
Reply:Actually very soon after they pass out, death becomes a possibility. This is why matches are ended so quickly after consciousness is lost.


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