Monday, November 16, 2009

Could any WWE fans explain to me whymost guys seem to hate John Cena? Is his character to cliche rden perhaps?

At one time John Cena was madly popular by both male and female fans, but over the last year and a half or so, it seems , he has become the target of major hatred. Why is that? Is it because he hardly raps(or more acurately makes wise cracks about other guys, pausing at the end of each sentence for crowd response then rhymes the endings of the sentences)on T.V anymore. Is his character to goody goody or too cliche ridden perhaps? His very limited grappling ability? The women still cheer for him for obvious reasons, but the males boo h im out of the arena. Does he maybe need to show more of an edge to his babyface character like he did the day after he beat Edge in the ladder match on Raw. Just curious.

Could any WWE fans explain to me whymost guys seem to hate John Cena? Is his character to cliche rden perhaps?
I do believe thta his image is becomeing a bit to much of a cliche but overall I think the main reason is some jealousy and some typicl turn of events. I have never (%26amp; I've watched for years) seen a wrestler come and have stayin power without a large hatred base to go with it. Hell look at Hulk what would he have been with out Andre or Savage? Remember when everyone loved Ms Elizabeth and then she turned her back. No one is safe in the world of Wrestlin. I mean hell people even find a way to hate people like Hacksaw and Eugene how can you hate that?
Reply:Well superstars have their moments when the fans hate them and love them. Everyone hated Triple H until DX was remade.
Reply:cause john cena is a wigger
Reply:Some stars just have their time to shine

If it makes you happier, my sister and I love John Cena : )
Reply:I love John Cena..the way he raps etc is hillarious! Think the male fans just jeer him for the hype. Everyone is loved and then hated in that industry...I mean look at the rock there was even a time when he was hated!!


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