Thursday, November 12, 2009

How long does it a beginner at jeet kune do to learn grappling?

There is no set form for JKD. The amount of grappling you do will depend upon how well suited you are to being a grappler.

How long does it a beginner at jeet kune do to learn grappling?
That depends on the student and the teacher. Jeet Kun Do is the Tao of martial arts. The Tao says that you must be like water, finding your own way. You can not force water to go a way it doesn't want to go, but people try to force themseleves to go ways others want them to.

Jeet Kun Do is the same way, it will be different for everyone who practices it. If you punch well, you will punch more, if you kick well you will kick more, if you grapple well you will grapple more. Expect it to take at least a year before you are exposed to all parts of Jeet Kun Do basic moves. If you want to grapple, tell your sensei. How will he know if you don't say something?

Keep in mind that most schools that claim to teach Jeet Kun Do actually teach Wing Chun or Kung Fu with an eye to Bruce Lee's methods rather then true JKD. This is because when Bruce died he left only one man capable and authorized to teach JKD. That man refused to teach for several years out of mourning and fear that he'd not be worthy to teach Lee's art properly. He has since started training, but only two or three schools are actually recognized by the world JKD organization as official dojos. The rest are fakes or are trying to teach JKD but don't have a proper and authorized teacher in charge.

So unless you are studying in Hawaii or San Diego you are not at an official dojo of JKD. Only those schools have masters at them. this is why i don't take JKD. It would be my prefered art, but San Diego is 3 hours from me and I'm not moving just so I can take JKD. The dojos closest to me are fakes, I've watched their classes and they are Wing Chun and Southern Fist, not JKD. The only part that they teach that is JKD is the one-inch-punch.
Reply:jkd isn't really a martial art, it is more of a philosophy.

to my knowledge jkd schools don't generally teach grappling.
Reply:Grappling is a part of JKD, as it is included in the title of one of the more important books written about the art, called, ENTERING TO TRAPPING TO GRAPPLING, by Larry Hartsell (I believe) one of Bruce's original students. While Bruce Lee intended to include more groundfighting in the art, but died before he got around to it, it is in there. Can you out-ground fight a BJJ guy with it? Probably, not. But is there enough grappling technique in JKD to use successfully against a boxer, karateka, or other stand up fighter? Yes.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am a certified Senior Full Instructor of JKD, teaching these past 12 years and training these past 29 years and I thought I could shed a little light on your conversation. Danny Inosanto , as you say, was left with the mantle of Bruce's art weighing on his shoulders. He certified Larry Hartsell (also one of Bruce's originals and known as the best fighter of the group) to teach JKD after Bruce's death in 1973. In large part Larry's contribution to JKD was the stand up grappling found in many arts including Filipino Dumog and submission grappling Larry explored elsewhere. i had the honor of training a bit with Larry and he was great.
    In 1983 Paul Vunak was teaching at Dan's academy and he began training Brazilian Jiu-jiutsu with the Gracies (mostly Rickson. It was circa de 1985 when many JKD instructors, Danny Included began studying BJJ in earnest inorder to officially absorb it into the matrix of JKD. If your JKD school is not teaching grappling chances are you are right and it is only a quasi- complete program. JKD emphasizes competence in all four ranges of combat (kicking, punching, trapping/clinch and grappling) This has been standard since the early 1990's at least and since the 80's at the Inosanto academy. In fact back in the mid 1990's I began training at Royce's school because my JKD certifications depended on it. If you are in need of any assistance finding a qualified instructor please contact me and I'll try to help.... Head Instructor Jack Gialanella at Integrated Threat Response
