Monday, May 17, 2010

Hang-Ups About Body Image?

I'm a 34-year-old female who has hang ups about my body image. I'm really self-conscious about not looking "perfect" or, as I see as "pretty good"-no flab hanging out everyone; no visible scars; not being hairy-but unless I feel I can be perceived as such, I don't want to be intimate with anyone.

Even though I realize that guys who are "worth my time" or who "truly care for me" (or those who simply find a fetish with the things I don't consider attractive) would not put as much importance on such things as I do, it doesn't matter. I still cannot let loose and be myself unless I feel good about myself.

I've also carry some extra weight (enough to not feel comfortable nude) and have a large surgical scar that runs across my abdomen (not attractive to me!). Plus, I was brought up as a "nice" girl. I'm still a virgin and have been grappling with such decisions as becoming intimate with certain guys who would like to have some relationship with me, for short or long terms. What to do?

Hang-Ups About Body Image?
Well, maybe you should make love with the lights off. :) Men dont really care about scars and a little extra poundage.
Reply:you're a classic

one one hand you want hot sex with Brad Pitt types buy worry that you will not look good enough for those types

on the other hand you know there are "nice" guys who'll take you as is and not complain what they get...

yet you ad your virginity and you value it.. but are willing to give it up for the hot looking guys....

and that's the catch

as you are well aware that hot gu commands a hot girl

and defects such as your scar will be a HUGE turn off

so your solution is simple

you gonna have to stick with nice guys.. flaws and all

or go celebate until your confortable with your body image

or be really loose and give it up for the hot guys in a dark setting

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