Friday, May 21, 2010

I was going a round of tapout with my friends, I extended my friends leg while twisting his foot and ankle to?

the right. Is there a grappling/groundfighting term for this type of move

I was going a round of tapout with my friends, I extended my friends leg while twisting his foot and ankle to?
Depends on what he tapped to? If he tapped due to the hyperextension of the knee joint then it was a KNEE BAR, but if he tapped due to the twisting of the knee joint then it was a HEEL HOOK. Also he may have tapped due to the pressure on his ankle? If so it can be called an ANKLE LOCK or TOE HOLD.

Did you do something like this?

Heel Hook Vids:

Knee Bar Vids:

Ankle Lock/Toe Hold Vids:
Reply:There are many, many leg submissions in the martial arts, several of which could fit your loose description.

You should be aware leg subs are pretty dangerous for untrained people to do - the knee and the ankle can be injured before the other person feels enough pain to tap out.
Reply:as Johnny just stated, there're several submission techniques involving the foot, leg, and knee that can fit into this description.

you could call it a knee bar, because by locking it straight out keeps them from using it to gain leverage.

but that's about as basic a name you're gonna find of it, putting torque on the ankle just adds to the pain and possibly furthers your chances to submit the opponent, the trick is putting torque in the opposite direction, because the foot can only flex inward but so far and not as well if it's torqued in an outward motion (ie pull lefrt to the outside while keeping the leg straightened.

but you really have to be careful, because doing it improperly can cause injury to the ankle or the knee, so I wouldn't suggerst doing that again, especially if you wind up hyper extending the leg.
Reply:This disturbing term "going a round of tapout" is becoming very common amongst the untrained who are emulating the UFC, the only real fighting they have ever really been aware of. Unfortunately for these folks they will either be injuring themselves or their friends in the very near future if they become involved with leg submissions, especially involving twisting movements as described herein. I suggest this person educate theirself and friends before the inevitable "rrrrrriiippp and tear" of cartilage occurs. Sounds here like you applied a stress to the knee(i.e. ACL) via an ankle twist of some sort.
Reply:I agree with the gues here. Sounds like a knee bar and another case of an untrain person emulating what they see on tv. I suggest if you like that kind of techniques enrooll in some classes where you learn he proper way of doing them without getting hurt or hurting your friends.
Reply:Sounds like a heel hook, ankle lock or possibly an achilles hold.
Reply:Sounds like a ... ouch , let go !!!!

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