Saturday, May 15, 2010

How does predestination handle the idea of punishment?

I try to follow the stoic philosophy as much as possible, and I believe that the world has been 100% predetermined and there is nothing we can do to change it. The only thing I am grappling with is how can I punish someone who has done wrong even though I believe they had to do it.

How does predestination handle the idea of punishment?
If everything is determined then punishment and reward make no sense. The closest you can get to punishment is to remove dangerous people from society, but it cannot be a form of punishment. It must be comfortable and welcoming to them.

Punishment has the idea of free will built into it. A punishment for an action only makes sense if the person doing the action had the choice and could have chosent to do otherwise. If they were determined to do that action then it is not their fault, they cannot be blamed for it, and hence cannot be punished for it.
Reply:Punishment is part of a system of order. It comes naturally to us just like sorting a bookcase.
Reply:i guess that even the punishment is predestined as well, otherwise it will be predestined that whoever it is will either be found innocent or they will get away with it.

nothing is fair even predestination.anyway i think that everyone has the wrong idea of punishment, they think that it is payment for doing something wrong, while i believe that it should be to teach a lesson that can't be taught any other way.

God bless,


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