Saturday, May 15, 2010

What is the significance of the stag in 'The Queen' ?

I know this is very late but I only managed to catch the movie now. I could not understand the connection between the presence of the 14 pointer stag that had been hunted on the neighbouring estate and the predicament of Princess Di that the Queen was grappling with. I know there is some significance, but what is it??

What is the significance of the stag in 'The Queen' ?
I saw the movie a while ago so hazy on the details but from wht i gather is this --

the stag or deer is a metaphor in many ways but esp reflects the queen's own problems in the movie. she felt hunted like the stag, i gues.

If you want more info check out the link below. hopw this helps!
Reply:I haven't seen the movie but my guess is, it means she lost something really special that she didn't realize at the time was so special or she clashed with it (Princess Diana). Meaning of course during the life Princess Diana she may not have realized how significant or special Diana was to the world and the British monarchy.

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