Saturday, May 15, 2010

What martal art is effective againced boxing,and effective againced wresling?

im looking for a martal art that is affective againced boxing

and another or the same martal art that is effective againced grappling or wresling?

What martal art is effective againced boxing,and effective againced wresling?
Any good style is effective against all other styles. It's not the art, it's the artist.
Reply:Its kinda tough to beat an experienced MMA fighter (one who grapples, and kickboxes)
Reply:A mix Judo and Taekwondo....Judo for the wrestling, Taekwondo for the boxing part.....but to be honest a good wrestler is going to tear you apart....especially if he's a quick striker.
Reply:A good well rounded style would be freestyle Karate.You will learn stand up,ground,grappling and weapons.What a lot of people don't understand is that freestyle Karate is about practical street defence not who can kick the highest or punch a pad the hardest.It's definitely not a sport martial art like TKD or BJJ.The motto of my style is the best of everything in progression.Basically that means we don't care where the technique comes from we improve it and integrate it into our style while still maintaining tradition as do most freestyle Karate's.

The hardest thing is finding a good experienced instructor.I would recommend Bushi Kai or Zen Do Kai, but if your not in Australia or New Zealand you may have some difficulty finding some one who teaches these styles.These styles also usually have separate classes available to everyone in Muay Thai and BJJ/Submission/Shoot wrestling.If you can't find one of these i would suggest Kempo or Enshin or another freestyle Karate.
Reply:Mixed martial arts will do the job. Of course, it depends also on the skill of the martial artist. If you have an olympic boxer against a begginer MMA, then thats gonna be hard right?

Anyway, MMA is definately a very good technique. Against Boxing MMA can use its grappling, wrestling and kicking aspect to take out a boxer. MMA can nullify the effective range of a boxer.

Against a wrestler, wrestlers usually become ineffective when they hit the ground. if you can get a wrestler in the ground, you can win. MMA can do this through take downs to be followed up by grappling skills.
Reply:Assuming you want martial arts that are roughly in the same field I would say Wing Chun for the boxing, because boxers are taught to weave, dodge, and cover, while wing chun is taught to dodge and parry while simultaneously attacking. Wing chun was also specifically develop to be effectively learned in a shorter period of time than most martial arts.

For wrestling I would suggest Aikido. From my experience in martial arts and readings about Aikido, Jujitsu, Judo, and other grappling arts Aikido has one of the richest histories and, in my opinion, the most extensive and comprehensive set of techniques. In fact, you could probaly learn Aikido to handle both boxing and wrestling. However, Aikido is difficult to learn and not easy to find schools for. If you live in America, there are schools aplenty for Jujitsu and Judo, which are two very effective grappling arts.

Your best bet, would be to pick (most any) martial art and train extensively in only that, because in general skill and experience will rule over any martial art.
Reply:I would box or do kempo karate, that muay thai stuff looks painful.
Reply:Kajukenbo or CHA 3 kenpo.
Reply:It really depends on what you want to use it for. Is it for self defense, or mma competition? Muay Thai can be effective against both a boxer and a grappler in mma competition, but just about any martial art can be effective for self defense if you strip away the rules and 'illegal' techniques from mma.
Reply:Jeet Kune Do seems to work best against strikers. Juijitsu is very affective against grapplers. It really comes down to person knowing/learning skill(s).
Reply:i have to say my friend"you are just like me" i have a friend that uses those on me but he cant beat me because there is iron fist and aikido(shodokan,or veitnameese style) for boxing,and brizilian jujitsu for wrestling
Reply:you want an art that teaches stand up and ground fighting. What you need is to become a well rounded fighter. The martial arts has evolved tremendously over the past ten to fifteen years, giant leaps in fact. Mixed Martial Arts is the only way to truly stay competitive in todays fighting arena. You should find a school with a very experencied teacher that offers a true MMA class. Find out what the base forms are(i.e BJJ, Judo, Sho Rin Ryu,Kyokushin) and research these forms. Provided it seems to fit your needs go for it. Let me tell you from experience it takes years to be truly proficient in any style. if you are new in MMA, dont think you can Become an "instant ninja". The people you see on the UFC and other shows have all trained for years and years.

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